- Anger: American Psychological Association
- Book & Workbook on Anger Management for Teens
- Assessing Risk for Violence
- Violence Prevention
Clark, Lynn(2017). SOS Help For Emotions: Managing Anxiety, Anger, and Depression (2nd Edition), SOS and Parents Press, Bowling Green, K.Y.
Huebner, Dawn (2008). What to do when your temper flares: a kid’s guide to overcoming problems with anger. Washington, D.C.: Magination Press. Workbook for kids 6-12 on dealing with anger.
Namka, Lynne (1995). The mad family gets their mads out: fifty things your family can say and do to express anger constructively. Los Angeles: Western Psychological Services. Book for preschool to middle school-age children and their parents.
Potter-Efron, Ron (2001). Stop the anger now: a workbook for the prevention, containment and resolution of anger. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications. Workbook for older teens and adults.