Why Evaluate?

                      ” Seek First to Understand. . .. Then be Understood”*


Neuropsychological and Neuropsychoeducational Evaluation can help provide you with many of the needed answers to the questions you may have and to others that you have not yet considered:

  • How can we make school and homework a less painful experience for my child?
  • Why does my child have to work many extra hours to complete the same work as his or her peers?
  • Why am I – or – why is my family member having such difficulty concentrating and focusing?
  • Is my (memory, speed or efficiency of thought, concentration/attention) problem getting worse?
  • Is my patient’s condition improving, static, or progressively worsening. If so, what is the rate of the progression and what does this mean for my patient’s functioning at school, work, or at home?
  • How might my job performance be impacted by my head injury?
  • What are my cognitive strengths and how can I use them to compensate better for my areas of difficulty?
  • What is the best teaching approach to use with this student / my child?
  • The neuroimaging results came back negative but my patient/client still is complaining of cognitive difficulties. Are the complaints reflecting a real neurological process or of some other origin?
  • Did my client sustain brain impairment in their accident and, if so, of what magnitude?
  • Do I or my child need accommodations ( IEP /504) to achieve success at work or school?
  • Am I eligible to receive accommodations for standardized testing such as the school entrance examinations, SAT, ACT, MCATs, LSATs, etc.?
  • Should I or my child return to play a sport and if so when may I or they safely do so?

These questions are amongst many of the reasons people seek or think about seeking neuropsychological/neuropsychoeducational evaluation, others include:

  • Difficulties with learning and school achievement, work performance, attention/concentration, organization, emotional regulation, self-monitoring and self-control (“behavioral issues”), and/or social functioning.
  • Suspected neurological impairment due to pregnancy/birth complications, developmental disorders, disease, traumatic brain injury, stroke, or cancer.
  • Changes in cognitive or emotional functioning, for example, in the efficiency of thinking skills or memory, and concerns that these changes may reflect a deteriorating condition, such as with Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementias, exposure to toxic substances, or a change following a blow to the head such as with a sports-related concussion , a fall, or motor vehicle accident, or with a known traumatic injury to the brain (TBI).

*Stephen Covey