Aftel, R. & Lackoff, R. (1986). When Talk is Not Cheap: Or How to Find the Right Therapist When You Don’t Know Where to Begin. Grand Central Publishing., New York, N.Y. A book to help one understand the process of therapy and find the “right” therapist for you.
Kaiser, Tamara (2012). A User’s Guide to Therapy: What to Expect and How to Benefit. WW. Norton Company, New York, N.Y. A guide to helping therapy work as well as addressing the underlying process of change that is mediated by our brains.
Kehr, Bruce A. (2018). Becoming Whole: A Healing Companion to Ease Emotional Pain and Find Self-Love. Greenleaf Book Group Press. Austin, Tx. Provides examples of how people experience and use therapy to heal their emotional wounds and distress.
Peck. M. Scott (2003). The Road Less Traveled, Timeless Edition: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth. Touchstone Anniversary Edition. New York, N.Y. A readable book that describes the experience and process of engaging in psychotherapy with a therapist that works for you.