

Brosh, Allie (2013). Hyperbole and a Half: Unfortunate Situations, Flawed Coping Mechanisms, Mayhem, and Other Things That Happened.  Gallery Books, N.Y., N.Y.   One of the best books for helping kids and adolescents understand depression.

Clark, Lynn(2017).  SOS Help For Emotions: Managing Anxiety, Anger, and Depression (2nd Edition), SOS and Parents Press, Bowling Green, K.Y.

Golant, Mitch & Golant, Susan (1998).  What to do when someone you love is depressed.  NY: Holt.  Guide for families with depressed family member.

Greenberger, Dennis & Padesky, Christine A. (1995).  Mind over mood.  NY: the Guilford Press. Self-help workbook for people with depression.

Haig, Matt.  (2016).  Reasons to Stay Alive.  Penguin Life, N.Y., N.Y.  (An inside look at depression written by someone who has struggled to say alive).

Harris, Russ (2008).  The Happiness Trap:  How to Stop Struggling and Start Living: A Guide to ACT.  Boston, MA: Trumpeter Books.   A Guide to Using ACT to manage your anxiety and depression.

Korb, Alex (2015).  The Upward Spiral:  Using Neuroscience to Reverse the Course of Depression, One Small Change at a Time.  Oakland, CA:  New Harbringer Publications.  A fabulous book for those struggling with Depression, Anxiety, or Addiction.  Sets realistic expectations for change in a holistic framework.

Manning, Martha A. (1994).  Undercurrents.  NY: HarperCollins.  A book describing a woman’s journey through serious depression.  Her various treatments including Electric Convulsive Therapy are described.

Miklowitz, David (2002).  The bipolar survival guide: what you and your family need to know.  NY: The Guilford Press.  Very comprehensive, helpful book for clients and their families.

Schab, Lisa (2008). Beyond the Blues: A Workbook to Help Teens Overcome Depression (An Instant Help Book for Teens)  A workbook for teens.

Styron, William (1990).  Darkness visible.  NY: Vintage Books.  Short, excellent paperback about a descent into deep depression and recovery.  Good for adults.

Toner, Jacqueline & Freeland, Claire (2016). Depression: A Teen’s Guide to Survive and Thrive: 1st Edition. A book to help teens cope with depression.