Our Mission & Philosophy

So you are looking for help for a personal or family challenge? We know that this can be a difficult and frequently overwhelming experience. Common questions you might be asking are…..How do I know who is qualified to help? Whom do I trust? Will they be sensitive to my or a loved one’s problems, pain, issues, or difficulties? How will they be helpful? We invite you to visit, get to know us, and hope you call on us to help you find some direction.

Ours is a holistic approach to working with people. First we want to get to know you and, if you like, become a part of your or your loved one’s “team.” We work hard to develop an accurate understanding of you or your loved one. We strive to understand the biological, personal, educational, occupational, and interpersonal issues that contribute to the challenges our you or your loved one’s face. Our guiding principle is “seek first to understand, then be understood.” Our initial goal is to develop a safe, non judgmental, and supportive relationship that provides the foundation for change. We know that real and lasting change is often a difficult journey that takes patience, persistence, and practice.

Change takes place not only within the office, but is an active process involving work in one’s day to day life. Where warranted and with client permission, we actively work with other systems to facilitate change, that is, schools, doctors, tutors, hospitals, family members, etc.

We work with you to develop treatment designed to help you or your loved one resolve the obstacles that stand in the way of reaching your goals. That might mean learning to accept and manage those challenges in a new and creative manner. We work hard to integrate the most current scientific principles and research about the therapeutic approaches that yield the greatest opportunity for positive change in order to enhance one’s ability to reach your goals.

We invite you to browse our site. If you have questions or think we can help give us a call. 301-587-2818

Our Services



I’d like to get Counseling for Myself, a Child, my Family, or a Young Adult Child.



I’d like to get testing for myself, my child, or my client: Neuropsychologicals, Neuropsychoeducationals, Forensic, Fitness For Duty, Psychologicals, Psychoeducationals



I’d like a talk for my PTA, Parent’s group, or Professional group about mental health for children and adults, understanding evaluations, learning, executive function, learning disabilities, and parenting.



I’d like to consult over professional, educational, or personnel issues.

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Latest news

Executive Function or Self Regulation, Life Success, and Parenting

Within the past 20-30 years the importance of a concept known as Executive Function (Self Regulation) has become more recognized and talked about in the neurosciences, psychology, education and even talks on parenting.  In fact, based on my experience working with people (children, adolescents, young adults, and adults) it has become apparent to me that […]

A Key to Success: The “Growth Mind Set” or Living More Contentedly

When one sets out to accomplish any goal or task the biggest road block to success is a concept we call “failure.”  In my experience, if there is any one belief that prevents people from completing a task, achieving a goal, and living a more contented life this is it.   We are unknowingly taught, by […]

Living a Contented Life

One way to think about ourselves and this life is that we are all on a journey that begins with our birth and ends with our death.  As with every journey the path we ultimately take is the result of thousands upon thousands of choices that we make on a daily basis that end up […]

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